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Gravity Heroes

Gravity Heroes is a fast paced, chaotically beautiful 2D platform shooter. Take control of your character’s gravitational pull with the gravity shifter mechanic and fight hordes of robotic enemies on the ground, walls, or ceiling.

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Studica Solution, Electric Monkeys




2D Platformer

Release Date

19 February 2021


English, Portuguese and Japanese

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Fuelled by 80’s and 90’s nostalgia with an electrifying soundtrack and stylistically popping pixel art style, Gravity Heroes offers action-packed fun playing either by yourself or joined by up to three others locally.

Master the 'Gravity Shifter' mechanic as you change the direction of your gravitational pull to walk and slide on ceilings or walls. Be wary, gravitational control isn't exclusive to you and your friends... Enemies can bring the fight to you, no matter where you are!