Tokyo School Life
"Tokyo School Life" is the story of your trip as an exchange student in Tokyo and the three girls you meet there. Live the everyday life you love from anime and manga! Vocal opening song/Japanese voices/English text
Available On
M2 Co.,LTD
Visual Novel
Release Date
14th February 2019
English and Japanese
Find Your High School Sweetheart:
Meet and befriend Karin, Aoi and Sakura: three charming girls who attend the same school and dorm as you, spend lunch breaks together and get to know them!
Fully Animated And Voiced Characters:
Characters are brought to life thanks to a splendid art style and a talented Japanese voice cast. The girls are rendered in a smooth animation style and change their expression as you interact with them.
Your Choices Will Affect The Outcome:
As you progress through the story, you will get to know more about Karin, Aoi and Sakura. Select the best answers to befriend one of them and maybe – with the right words – even more…
Learn Japanese Language Basics:
In addition to English, Tokyo School Life lets you display the text in kana, romaji and even in kanji! It is the perfect opportunity to learn vocabulary and study Japanese sentence constructions in a fun and engaging way!
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